Preseason is now complete. Regular season sims (4 game days each) will begin on THURSDAY, 1/4. See the notes below for more start of season details.

Please be sure to download the updated league file.

The deadline for orders is Thursday night at 8:00 PM EST [UTC-05].


This will be your last chance to wrap up a number of off-season business items, including:

1) If you wish to decline any *team options on Rookie Scale contracts,* you must submit those NOW.

2) Be sure to double check and make sure your *COACHING STAFF* is properly assigned and all slots are filled on the Team Staff page — it makes a difference!

3) Make sure to submit any cuts, d-league assignments, and deactivation orders necessary to make your roster legal. *Here are the requirements for a legal roster:*

  • The *MAXIMUM* roster size is a total of 15 players.
  • The *MINIMUM* legal roster is 12 healthy and *active* players.
  • The *MAXIMUM* number of *active* players is 13.  Any other roster players beyond the limit of 13 active must be *deactivated* or *sent down to the D-League.*
  • D-League players *count against the maximum of 15 players* on your roster — even if you send them down, they still count.
  • The first 10 players on your *DEPTH CHART* must be assigned to at least one position (C, PF, SF, SG, PG). You can assign players to more than one position if you choose, but the first 10 on the depth chart must have at least one position assigned.


THURSDAY, 1/4 *8:00 PM EST* – Regular Season begins, 4 game day sim