This one is a little long, please bear with me.


*Steve Gibson missed the GM Check In* and has been MIA for a while, so I’m removing him as the Americans GM. As far as I can tell he hasn’t logged into the site since August 2023 and hasn’t submitted a game plan since November 2023. I reached out to him a couple of times the last few months and haven’t gotten a response. Steve was a good GM and active participant prior to this, I’m a little sad he has disappeared and hope he’s OK.

Both *Nick Simpson* and *Macs Whetzel* have stepped down from their GM positions this off-season due to time constraints. Nick of course is a two-time Heikkinen Cup winner and has been with the OBWL for 19 seasons, stretching back as far as our last JSB season in 2017. Between work, kids, and his lengthy “honey do” list he feels like he doesn’t have time to put into the OBWL that he used to.

Macs cites work and going to college as preventing him from being very active — kids these days, where are their priorities? Lol, just kidding. To be honest he was more active (especially in the early part of the season) than the Sharks had been in quite a while.

*We will miss all three GMs and they are all welcome to return in the future if they have time and we have openings.*


*As a result we will be dispersing the Philadelphia Americans and the South Florida Sharks.* I’d rather redistribute these players out to GMs who will put them to use rather than continue wasting them on “ghost” teams.

*I have decided to return to “active duty” and will be taking over as GM of the Thunderbirds.*

I’ll make an announcement soon detailing the Dispersal Draft procedures once we have nailed down some loose ends and set a schedule.


As most of you know, Eric has been dealing with his wife’s serious health issues lately. On top of that he is having problems with his computer. He’s hoping to get the computer looked at / fixed this weekend.

*Eric’s computer has the college game on it so once that’s sorted out we can get the rookie draft file exported. Until then, please be patient and stay tuned for updates. We hope to get it scheduled soon but sometimes real life gets in the way.*